The Console Publisher
The first, and simplest, publisher we will cover is the “Console Publisher.” It was developed to assist with certain troubleshooting processes, particularly in areas pertaining to ensuring that things are configured properly before we actually start trying to “publish” data to a target. The Console Publisher simply takes the records that are passed to it and writes them to standard out (the “console”). Because it is writing to what could very well be a display screen, configuring the JSON Encoder when using the Console Publisher is probably best … records are more easily readable.
Here is how you might configure BDGlue’s properties file to use the Console Publisher.
# to make use of the ConsolePublisher.
bdglue.encoder.class = bdglue2.encoder.JsonEncoder
bdglue.encoder.threads = 2
bdglue.encoder.tx-optype = false
bdglue.encoder.tx-timestamp = false
bdglue.encoder.user-token = false
bdglue.event.header-optype = false
bdglue.event.header-timestamp = false
bdglue.event.header-rowkey = false
bdglue.event.header-avropath = false
bdglue.publisher.class = bdglue2.publisher.console.ConsolePublisher
bdglue.publisher.threads = 2
bdglue.publisher.hash = table