The "Null" Encoder
The “null” encoder is just what it sounds like … it actually does no encoding at all. It is designed to simply take the data that was provided by the source, encapsulate it with a little meta-data related to the work that needs to be done downstream, and then pass the data along to the publisher. Consequently, the null encoder is the most lightweight of the encoders and is intended for use against those targets that
BDGlue will connect to directly (i.e. not via Flume, Kafka, etc.); and
Require data to be applied via API at the field (or column) level rather than at the record level.
Targets for which the null encoder is appropriate include HBase, the Oracle NoSQL “table” API, Cassandra, etc.
To tell BDGlue to make use of the Null Encoder, simply specify the encoder in the file as follows:
bdglue.encoder.class = bdglue2.encoder.NullEncoder